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Rise Global Winner 2021

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2021 winner

Tegra Ilunga


As a Refugee residing in Tongogara Refugee Camp in Zimbabwe, Tegra displays remarkable intelligence and achievements in school. Despite challenging life circumstances, Tegra was the Head Boy at his school and participates in many clubs such as debate, volleyball, he's a Gender Based Violence peer educator and tutors young refugee students and High school science students in TWEENS (Together We Educationally Empower Non-privilege Students) program. For his Rise project, Tegra offered free in-person tutorial lessons to his fellow refugee exam candidates who couldn't afford online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. This provided them with the basic skills and answering techniques of exam papers' questions to fully prepare them to sit for their National exams. He extended his project by founding the 'All You Need to Know' (AYNK) online youths platform where he offers weekly information sessions to youths across his country, Zimbabwe on issues that affect most of the youths in today's societies i.e drug abuse, teenage pregnancy etc. Through the same platform, he connects youth to opportunities and scholarships to keep them distracted from youths community problems. An aspiring engineer environmental activist and youth advocate, Tegra also hopes to start a charitable organization in the future to support the needy, widow, disabled, the elderly and refugees.