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Rise Policy on Using AI for Your Application


Rise defines artificial intelligence (AI) generated content as any content in your Submission (as that term is defined in the Rise Rules), such as text, images, videos, or audio, that is created by artificial intelligence systems, especially generative AI. Examples of AI tools include ChatGPT and Bard.

Responsible and Effective Use

We believe that, like all technology, AI-based tools can be valuable in helping you do your own work.  For instance, they can help you perform research, brainstorm ideas, or revise, organize, or summarize your existing ideas and work. But your Rise Submission must be comprised primarily of your own original work. As with all other sources, any content you have obtained from an AI tool must be marked with a citation noting the original source and, if relevant, the prompt or search terms. Additionally, please review the applicable terms of service for any AI tools you use and ensure that your use of such tools does not violate those terms.

AI tools may never be used as a way to produce your first and only draft; however, they may be used: (i) to research or summarize existing knowledge on a topic for your use as a working reference, (ii) as inspiration (e.g. to brainstorm ideas, test different hypotheses, or refine your own ideas), (iii) to summarize your existing work, information, or data–provided that you do not use the output in your Rise Submission verbatim without revising it, or if this is not possible, including an appropriate citation), or (iv) to supply non-substantial background materials, such as background images or summaries of background information that is not core to your Submission.  See the “Dos and Don’ts” below for additional information and examples.   

If your project’s focus is on AI or incorporates it into your final product, we encourage you to consider the ethical implications of your work: 

  • What decisions are you making that impact what the machine is learning and producing? How do your personal views influence the machine? This is known as “algorithmic bias.”
  • What impact might what you’re producing have on those that experience it and their own decisions? Who is this serving and not serving?
  • What personal information is being shared and collected—either by yourself, collaborators, and participants—and what are the implications of providing this data to an engine?
  • What are the limitations of the artificial intelligence’s perceptions or ability to adapt and how does that impact what you’re producing?

AI is constructed by humans and is a reflection of those individual’s ideas, opinions, and perspectives. Whether they have been pre-programmed with a set of rules, or use training data to learn, they will have bias based on human input and decision making. Any project that uses AI should acknowledge and address this. Integrity is a Rise trait and an accurate representation of your skills and experiences is essential for our fair evaluation of your work.

Even if you are not using AI as part of your project or a tool to complete it, AI is increasingly present in our world and we encourage you to have a critical eye when examining research sources as to what role AI might have had in producing them.

Dos and Don’ts


  • Use AI as a helpful collaborator, particularly when you do not have access to other assistance to help you complete your application.
  • Employ AI programs to facilitate your research. AI tools can serve as smart search engines that present information in ways that are easy to read and understand.
  • Fact-check responses that the AI service provides you with.
  • Ask AI programs for clarification or explanations when you need help.
  • Stoke ideas for your design.
  • Use AI programs to help spell check and clean up grammar in your responses.
  • Be transparent; attribute AI text and images properly when you use them in your own work by providing a citation to the tool used, the date generated, and any relevant search terms or prompts.


  • Rely solely on AI tools to complete answers to questions. It is important to understand the material and complete assignments on your own, using AI tools as a supplement rather than a replacement for your own work. If you advance to be considered as a Finalist on AI-generated responses, it may quickly become evident that your responses weren’t your own.
  • Copy text or images from AI programs without proper attribution.
  • Use AI tools to plagiarize. Using AI to evade plagiarism detection by rephrasing others’ work without attribution to the original source is unethical and violates integrity, one of the core Rise traits.
  • Assume that AI responses are always correct. It has been noted that AI can generate fake or plagiarized results. Fact-check on your own.


Using AI comes with potential risks for you to be aware of: 

  • Material that you submit to the tool may then become part of the tool’s database—using the software also contributes to its development. The systems have different policies and methods to let you remove your material, so be sure to look for those instructions and to review the applicable terms of service. The Rise application is asking you to answer personal questions about yourself. We recommend that you avoid putting your answers to these questions through an AI service.
  • AI programs can have implicit bias, and even present incorrect information. Any time you use an AI program, you should think critically and be sure to fact-check using primary sources. The same caution applies to other online sources such as Wikipedia.
  • Even software platforms that don’t use your content to train the product DO collect your information and often install cookies to track your other activity. 
  • Research shows that people learn more and retain the information longer when they write about it in their own words. If you use an AI to generate text, you risk learning less from this experience.
  • AI generated content may not be accurate, even if you only incorporate such content partially and after substantial paraphrasing, modification and/or editing. 
  • AI generated content may not provide appropriate or clear attribution to the author(s) of the original sources which can lead to inadvertent plagiarism and inhibit your research.

Reporting and Consequences

This policy is incorporated into and forms a part of the Rise Rules. Violations of this policy will therefore be handled in accordance with the Rules. We hope that this policy provides clarity and examples for how you can safely, effectively, and fairly use AI in your work. 

Rise’s Use of AI

Rise reserves the right to use various plagiarism checking tools in evaluating your work, including those screening for AI-generated content. We will not, however, make any automated decisions using AI or AI detection tools, and all application decisions by Rise involve human review and input.