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Rise Fellow 2021

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2021 fellow

Pritvik Sinhadc


For his Rise project, ‘Network and Assembly Theory Models of Mass Extinctions’, Pritvik authored a research paper to decode atmospheric data and fossil records using mathematical models to constrain the impact of catastrophic calamities on biodiversity, thereby pinpointing stressors that aggravate disasters in our world. His aim was to detect exact molecular signatures of an upcoming mass extinction event and spot species that might be most affected due to environmental degradation. He used the data to develop a policy network to identify and target sources of harmful emissions in our society. Currently a student at Caltech, Pritvik is also a Researcher at CERN working on di-Higgs production to probe beyond the Standard Model physics, and at LIGO, where his project aims at determining the distribution of stochastic gravitational wave background. He is also working on applying complexity metrics to exoplanets and black holes to develop reliable techno-signatures under NASA-JPL’s research group.