2023 fellow
Charlotte Ava Rosario
United States
Charlotte is a mental health advocate who embarked on her journey following the tragic loss of a family member to suicide. In 2022, she created a documentary that was featured on CBS News’ national “Kids in Crisis” segment and “The Drew Barrymore Show.” The project raised an impressive US $13,000, which was used to develop her community’s first teen suicide prevention program. Charlotte’s advocacy is further exemplified by her status as the youngest member of the National Alliance for Mental Illness Youth Council and her prestigious 2023 Tony Hoffman Mental Health Service award. As an aspiring engineer, Charlotte runs Invention Studio—an award-winning social innovation program backed by Stanford’s d.School—and is using emerging tech to prevent suicide. For her Rise project, she developed “ALSO”—a teen-to-teen peer support app that uses machine learning to intelligently match youth who share similar experiences of loss or adversity.